NSPCC Tribute Funds

An NSPCC Tribute Fund can help you keep someone’s memory alive by protecting children in their name.

You can upload pictures and add stories about the person the Fund is honouring and friends and family can sign the visitors' book, leave messages or light a candle.

Recent Donations (1,217 tributes)

Please feel free to share your memories and photos

Paula Harris

1939 - 2021

Paula was a wife, mum, nana and sister. She was many things to many people. She always put others before herself and was generous to a fault. Loved by many. The thing she loved most was family. That's was nothing in her life that was dearer to her heart.

Bridie Noble

1941 - 2020

Bridie was a caring loving lady who loved her husband children grandchildren and great grandchildren so much. She donated to the NSPCC every month.  She most loved her husband children grandchildren and great grandchildren. She loved everyone At the funeral £246.

Trish Irwin

1933 - 2020

Trish requested a collection in aid of the NSPCC. Trish was a loving mother, and grandmother.

Paul Burton

1966 - 2020

Paul died on the 31st of October 2020 after battling Multiple Sclerosis for  30 years a disease that robbed him of his ability to live a normal life at the end depending entirely on others to look after him. Even during his darkest times Paul would have concern for others around him he was compassionate about helping others.

Lucy Cooper

1933 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Lucy Cooper. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Roy Killigrew

1934 - 2020

This is to remember my lovely father who sadly passed away on the 29th November. As we having a small affair with few people and no flowers and difficult for people to attend due to current tier restrictions, we setting up this fund for people to donate in his memory.
In loving memory of Jean Hooley who passed away peacefully on 8th November 2020 aged 85. She is now reunited with her beloved husband Tony. Jean was a very happy lady, bubbly and full of fun and gave a lot to the community.

Trevor Bloodworth

1940 - 2020

The fund is to help those children that are not as lucky as the children in our own families  Every child should be given a chance.Trevor was a loving  caring Husband, Father and Grandad. He loved travelling, the church and all things Italian but above all, his family.

Denis Walker

1951 - 2020

Denis cared greatly about the work the NSPCC do and has donated £1000 to them in his Will. This Light Up Childhood Fund is a unique way to remember Denis and fundraise in his memory to help give more children the brighter future they deserve.

Paul Eccott

1942 - 2020

The NSPCC was always a charity in Paul's heart Paul was a loving Husband, Father and grandfather who most loved his family.

Maria Constantinou

1923 - 2020

In loving memory of Maria Constantinou who passed away peacefully on October 11th 2020 aged 97. She is now reunited with her beloved husband Michael.

Hilda Cornforth

1922 - 2020

Hilda was Secretary of the Consett Branch of NSPCC many years ago so your kind donation would be much appreciated in her memory

Jack Mcneil

1943 - 2020

As a social worker, Jack went beyond the call of duty for the children and families he worked with. He worked closely with the NSPCC on a number of cases and continued to donate to the charity after his retirement. Jack requested that any funeral donations be made to the NSPCC in his memory.

Sheila Rolls

1926 - 2020

Sheila's family would love those who loved her, to contribute to this wonderful charity in her memory.Sheila devoted many years of her very long life to raising money for the NSPCC in her North London neighbourhood of Winchmore Hill.

John Sivell

1938 - 2020

John was a cheerful, laid back man. John had travelled the world when younger. Later he turned to writing and his allotment.. He loved a good meal, an occasional whisky and someone to chat to.Ideally a lady.  Any thoughts or memories of John, please add.

Richard Turner

1942 - 2020

Dad was the most loving, kind, fabulous man.He was an amazing husband, dad, grandad, son, brother, uncle and friend.He was simply our world.  Dad was first and foremost a strong family man.He loved spending time with us all and was incredibly proud of everything that we achieved and we him.

Jean Cliff

1942 - 2020

It was our mum's (Jean's) wish to leave her remains to medical science, however due to Covid19, this was not possible. Therefore, in her honour and memory we are donating to her favourite charity. Others have asked what they can do in her memory, we would be most grateful if you would like to make a contribution. Please remember our mum fondly ??

Carol Hadland

1948 - 2020

Mum was an avid supporter of the NSPCC. She gave regular donations and because she loved and cared about children so much, she was always wanting to make sure they were safe, loved and cared for. Because of all these, we decided that NSPCC would be the charity we would give all our donations to in memory of her.
This site is a tribute to Gwynneth Thom. She is much loved and will always be remembered.
This site is a tribute to Ann Bishop. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Pete James

1948 - 2021

This site is a tribute to Pete James, who was born in Coventry on October 17, 1948. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Maurice Roeves

1937 - 2020

Maurice requested no flowers but that if people wished they could donate to a cause that was very near to his heart - ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children.Maurice always had an exceptional and extraordinary love for all the young people that came into his life and to protect and secure their future.  Maurice loved life.

Sheila Adams

1935 - 2020

Mum has always supported the work of the NSPCC and we would like to raise some funds in her memory.